Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 22 72.7

line true false branch
26 6 17 unless @_
29 5 12 if (scalar @args == 1 and $args[0] eq ':for_providers')
46 0 17 unless $package
49 0 17 if ref $package
52 0 17 unless scalar @providers
68 1 16 if $meta->has_method_alias('FETCH_CODE_ATTRIBUTES') and $meta->has_method_alias('MODIFY_CODE_ATTRIBUTES')
79 45 3 $accepted{$code} ? :
93 46 0 if ($h) { }
102 0 42 if @unhandled
113 26 20 if ('MOP::Method'->new($h)->has_code_attributes('OverwritesMethod'))
115 0 26 unless defined $method