Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 62 0.0

line true false branch
84 0 0 unless my $cw = "Metabrik::Client::Www"->new_from_brik_init($self)
88 0 0 unless my $fc = "Metabrik::File::Compress"->new_from_brik_init($self)
93 0 0 unless my $files = $cw->mirror($mirror{$f}, $f)
96 0 0 if ($file =~ /\.gz$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($file =~ /\.zip$/) { }
98 0 0 unless $fc->uncompress($file, $outfile)
102 0 0 unless $fc->uncompress($file, $outfile)
115 0 0 unless $self->brik_help_run_undef_arg("from_ipv4", $ipv4)
117 0 0 unless my $na = "Metabrik::Network::Address"->new_from_brik_init($self)
118 0 0 unless ($na->is_ipv4($ipv4))
148 0 0 unless my $ft = "Metabrik::File::Text"->new_from_brik_init($self)
157 0 0 unless my $data = $ft->read($datadir . "/" . $file)
159 0 0 if /^\s*#/
160 0 0 if /^\s*$/
161 0 0 if ($na->is_ipv4_subnet($_) and $na->match($ipv4, $_)) { }
0 0 elsif ($na->is_ipv4($_) and /^$ipv4$/) { }
171 0 0 unless my $data = $ft->read($datadir . "/" . $file)
173 0 0 if /^\s*#/
174 0 0 if /^\s*$/
176 0 0 unless defined $toks[0] and defined $toks[1]
179 0 0 unless defined $start and defined $end
180 0 0 unless $na->is_ipv4($start) and $na->is_ipv4($end)
181 0 0 unless my $subnet = $na->range_to_cidr($start, $end)
183 0 0 if ($na->match($ipv4, $this))
191 0 0 unless my $data = $ft->read($datadir . "/" . $file)
193 0 0 if /^\s*#/
194 0 0 if /^\s*$/
198 0 0 unless defined $start and defined $end
199 0 0 unless $na->is_ipv4($start) and $na->is_ipv4($end)
200 0 0 unless my $subnet = $na->range_to_cidr($start, $end)
202 0 0 if ($na->match($ipv4, $this))