Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 53 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
253 0 0 0 $dir =~ /$dir_regex/ and $file =~ /$file_regex/
604 0 0 0 defined $brik and defined $attribute
0 0 0 defined $brik and defined $attribute and defined $value
674 0 0 0 defined $brik and defined $attribute
716 0 0 0 defined $brik and defined $command

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
826 0 0 $CON->{'used'}{$__ctx_brik}->brik_attributes || {}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
253 0 0 0 $file =~ /$dot_regex/ or $file =~ /$dot2_regex/
631 0 0 0 $__ctx_value =~ /^\$\w+/ or $__ctx_value =~ /^\@\$\w+/
0 0 0 $__ctx_value =~ /^\$\w+/ or $__ctx_value =~ /^\@\$\w+/ or $__ctx_value =~ /^\@\w+/
0 0 0 $__ctx_value =~ /^\$\w+/ or $__ctx_value =~ /^\@\$\w+/ or $__ctx_value =~ /^\@\w+/ or $__ctx_value =~ /^\%\$\w+/
0 0 0 $__ctx_value =~ /^\$\w+/ or $__ctx_value =~ /^\@\$\w+/ or $__ctx_value =~ /^\@\w+/ or $__ctx_value =~ /^\%\$\w+/ or $__ctx_value =~ /^\%\w+/
0 0 0 $__ctx_value =~ /^\[.*\]$/ or $__ctx_value =~ /^\{.*\}$/
750 0 0 0 $__ctx_run->init_done or $__ctx_command =~ /^brik_/
761 0 0 0 /^\$\w+/ or /^\@\$\w+/
0 0 0 /^\$\w+/ or /^\@\$\w+/ or /^\@\w+/
0 0 0 /^\$\w+/ or /^\@\$\w+/ or /^\@\w+/ or /^\%\$\w+/
0 0 0 /^\$\w+/ or /^\@\$\w+/ or /^\@\w+/ or /^\%\$\w+/ or /^\%\w+/
0 0 0 /^\[.*\]$/ or /^\{.*\}$/