Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 26 57.6

line true false branch
90 0 3 if ($self->{'id'} ne $other->{'id'})
102 2 0 if ($utteranceA->equals($utteranceB))
110 1 2 if ($match < 1)
131 1 1 if ($self->{'utterances'}{$key}->contains($cui))
148 9 0 if ($newUtterance->{'id'} =~ /((ti|ab)\.[\d]+)/) { }
169 0 0 if ($a_ab == $b_ab)
178 0 0 if ($a_ab and not $b_ab)
181 0 0 if (not $a_ab and $b_ab)
239 75 5 unless (exists $concepts{$cui})
367 2 0 if ($key =~ /(ti|ab)/)
368 1 1 if ($1 eq $tag)
413 4 0 if ($key =~ /(ti|ab)/)
414 2 2 if ($1 eq $tag)