Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 35 58 60.3

line true false branch
54 2 19 if $args{'domain'}
62 18 1 unless eval { do { $info = $self->ua->get(''); $info = &decode_json($info->{'content'}); die unless XXX and exists $info->{'production'}; 1 } }
65 0 1 unless XXX and exists $info->{'production'}
80 0 42 unless my $url = shift()
86 1 41 keys %{$params;} ? :
118 0 42 unless my $url = shift()
120 0 42 unless XXX
125 0 42 unless defined $success
129 0 42 unless $success
131 0 42 unless my $content = $result->{'content'}
134 1 41 if $url =~ m[/pod/]
135 1 40 if $url =~ m[/source/]
141 0 40 unless (eval { do { $decoded_result = &decode_json($content); 1 } })
154 0 10 $args->{'__MATCH_ALL__'} ? :
181 0 10 if ($fields)
182 0 0 unless XXX
187 0 10 if ($_source)
188 0 0 unless XXX or not XXX
201 10 0 unless XXX
212 10 0 unless XXX
222 10 0 unless XXX
229 0 26 unless XXX
236 0 8 if XXX
237 0 8 unless XXX
244 3 5 if $k eq 'either'
247 19 7 if $basic_element
255 0 19 unless scalar keys %{$args;} == 1
261 0 19 unless not XXX and $val =~ /[\w\*]/
265 12 7 $wildcard ? :