Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 16 32 50.0

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
72 0 1 $$message{'static_forwards'} and ref $$message{'static_forwards'} and ref $$message{'static_forwards'} eq 'ARRAY' and scalar @{$$message{'static_forwards'};}

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
19 0 15 0 $new_config and ref $new_config eq 'HASH'
23 10 2 1 ref $$new_config{'routes'} ne 'ARRAY' and ref $$new_config{'routes'} ne 'HASH'
68 1 0 4 ref $message and ref $message eq 'HASH'
72 3 0 1 $$message{'static_forwards'} and ref $$message{'static_forwards'}
3 0 1 $$message{'static_forwards'} and ref $$message{'static_forwards'} and ref $$message{'static_forwards'} eq 'ARRAY'
81 0 0 1 $$forward_rec{'forward'} && ref $$forward_rec{'forward'}
93 0 0 1 $$forward_rec{'transform'} and ref $$forward_rec{'transform'}
0 0 1 $$forward_rec{'transform'} and ref $$forward_rec{'transform'} and ref $$forward_rec{'transform'} eq 'HASH'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
78 0 0 1 not ref $forward_recs or ref $forward_recs ne 'ARRAY'
81 0 0 1 not $$forward_rec{'forward'} && ref $$forward_rec{'forward'} or ref $$forward_rec{'forward'} ne 'HASH'