Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 59 76 77.6

line true false branch
15 1 16 unless $new_config = shift()
17 1 15 if shift()
19 1 14 unless $new_config and ref $new_config eq 'HASH'
21 1 13 unless $$new_config{'routes'}
23 1 12 if (ref $$new_config{'routes'} ne 'ARRAY' and ref $$new_config{'routes'} ne 'HASH')
27 10 2 if (ref $$new_config{'routes'} eq 'ARRAY')
29 1 9 unless $route
31 1 8 unless ref $route eq 'HASH'
33 1 7 unless $$route{'match'}
35 0 7 unless ref $$route{'match'} eq 'HASH'
37 2 5 if ($$route{'transform'})
38 1 1 if ref $$route{'transform'} ne 'HASH'
41 6 0 if ($$route{'forwards'})
42 1 5 if ref $$route{'forwards'} ne 'ARRAY'
45 0 5 unless $forward
47 1 4 if ref $forward ne 'HASH'
49 1 3 unless $$forward{'handler'}
51 1 2 if ref $$forward{'handler'}
58 13 4 if ($@)
67 1 5 unless my $message = shift()
68 1 4 unless ref $message and ref $message eq 'HASH'
70 0 4 if shift()
72 1 0 if ($$message{'static_forwards'} and ref $$message{'static_forwards'} and ref $$message{'static_forwards'} eq 'ARRAY' and scalar @{$$message{'static_forwards'};})
77 1 0 unless scalar @{$$message{'static_forwards'};}
78 0 1 if not ref $forward_recs or ref $forward_recs ne 'ARRAY'
81 0 1 if not $$forward_rec{'forward'} && ref $$forward_rec{'forward'} or ref $$forward_rec{'forward'} ne 'HASH'
86 1 0 if ($$forward_rec{'log_history'})
88 1 0 unless $$message{'.static_forwards_log'}
93 1 0 if ($$forward_rec{'transform'} and ref $$forward_rec{'transform'} and ref $$forward_rec{'transform'} eq 'HASH')
100 0 1 unless $$forward_rec{'forward'}{'handler'}
107 0 1 if $@
112 2 1 if (ref $$Message::Router::config{'routes'} eq 'ARRAY') { }
1 0 elsif (ref $$Message::Router::config{'routes'} eq 'HASH') { }
121 3 0 if (mmatch($message, $$route{'match'}))
122 3 0 if ($$route{'transform'})
125 3 0 if ($$route{'forwards'})
138 1 3 if ($@)
143 3 3 if ($@)