Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 42 60 70.0

line true false branch
145 14 4 unless $$my_configs{$type}{$instance}
166 12 14 if $$inform{'match'} and mmatch($message, $$inform{'match'})
169 6 20 if $$inform{'close_match'} and mmatch($message, $$inform{'close_match'})
181 2 12 unless $last_tick_ts
200 14 4 if $interval_time <= $previous_instance_tick_offset
201 3 1 if $interval_time > $new_instance_tick_offset
205 0 2 unless $$action{'action_type'}
206 1 1 if $$action{'action_type'} ne 'open'
214 0 1 if ($@)
233 0 14 unless ($message)
248 0 6 unless $$action{'action_type'}
249 4 2 if $$action{'action_type'} ne 'close'
257 0 2 if ($@)
266 2 4 if $$closed_instances{$instance_name}
268 3 1 if (not $$instances{$instance_name}) { }
280 3 0 if ($$local_config{'intervals'}{'0'})
282 0 6 unless $$action{'action_type'}
283 3 3 if $$action{'action_type'} ne 'open'
291 0 3 if ($@)
310 0 2 if $interval_time > $instance_tick_offset
316 0 2 unless $$action{'action_type'}
317 1 1 if $$action{'action_type'} ne 'intermediate'
325 0 1 if ($@)
356 0 8 if not $message && ref $message or ref $message ne 'HASH'
360 0 8 if scalar @args % 2
363 0 8 if not $action && ref $action or ref $action ne 'HASH'
367 0 8 if not $$action{'action_name'} or ref $$action{'action_name'}
370 0 8 unless $$config{'action_map'}{$$action{'action_name'}}
373 0 8 if ($$action{'transform'})
384 0 8 if ($@)