Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 30 60 50.0

line true false branch
153 2 0 unless defined $config{'implicit_multiplication'}
155 2 0 unless defined $config{'no_fractions'}
156 2 0 unless exists $config{'max_fractions'}
157 2 0 unless defined $config{'exclude_signature'}
158 2 0 unless defined $config{'no_sqrt'}
159 2 0 unless defined $config{'replace_default_greek'}
162 2 0 unless exists $config{'subscript'}
164 2 0 unless exists $config{'variable_mappings'} and ref $config{'variable_mappings'} eq 'HASH'
179 0 1 if $config{'replace_default_greek'}
186 0 1 unless defined $s
187 0 0 length $1 == 1 ? :
1 0 if $config{'subscript'}
226 1 0 $config{'implicit_multiplication'} ? :
233 0 0 if ($config{'no_fractions'}) { }
0 0 elsif (not $config{'max_fractions'} or $config{'max_fractions'} > $_[2]) { }
255 0 0 if (not $config{'no_sqrt'} and length $_[1] > 2 and not $_[1] =~ /\{|\}|\^|_|\-|\\|[A-DF-Za-df-z]/ and $_[1] - 0.5 < 1e-28)
258 1 0 length $_[1] == 1 ? :
311 3 4 if ($ttype == 0) { }
1 3 elsif ($ttype == 2) { }
3 0 elsif ($ttype == 1) { }
324 0 9 if $_[0]->term_type == 0 and $_[0]->type == 3
333 4 5 if ($ttype == 1) { }
1 4 elsif ($ttype == 2) { }
4 0 elsif ($ttype == 0) { }
339 0 1 if (exists $config{'variable_mappings'}{$name}) { }
346 1 0 if (not $config{'exclude_signature'}) { }
349 0 0 if (exists $config{'variable_mappings'}{$_}) { }
360 0 1 if (@sig) { }
376 4 0 unless ($type == 3 and not $config{'no_fractions'})
379 1 6 if ($$precs[$i] < $prec or $$precs[$i] == $prec and $prec == 50 or ($i == 1 and $type == 2 || $type == 0 || $type == 1 and ($obj->term_type == 1 and $obj->value < 0) or $obj->term_type == 0 and $obj->type == 4))