Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 65 94 69.1

line true false branch
45 0 163 unless defined $str
46 7 156 if ref $str1
47 0 163 unless defined $str1
48 0 163 $_[2] ? :
78 0 51 unless defined $val
79 0 51 if not ref $val and $val eq $class
84 5 46 if (ref $set and ref $set eq 'HASH' || UNIVERSAL::isa($set, 'Math::String::Charset'))
88 5 0 if defined $set->{'_scale'}
106 2 1 if (defined $self) { }
111 0 2 if ref $self ne $class
127 0 2 if (defined $self) { }
132 0 0 if ref $self ne $class
142 2 0 if $min <= 0
150 6 1 if (defined $self) { }
155 0 6 if ref $self ne $class
171 1 1 if (defined $self) { }
176 0 1 if ref $self ne $class
196 0 122 unless defined $value
199 3 119 if (ref $value eq 'HASH') { }
13 106 elsif (ref $value) { }
205 1 2 if defined $self->{'_set'}{'_scale'}
212 0 13 if defined $_[0]
231 47 118 unless defined $cs
232 153 12 if ref($cs) =~ /^(ARRAY|HASH)$/
233 0 165 unless ref $cs
249 4 110 unless $cs->is_valid($value)
252 0 110 unless (ref $int)
267 0 174 if (@_ > 1) { }
277 0 174 unless ref $x
283 174 515 if ($k eq 'value') { }
0 515 elsif ($ref eq 'SCALAR') { }
0 515 elsif ($ref eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 515 elsif ($ref eq 'HASH') { }
174 341 elsif ($ref =~ /^Math::String::Charset/) { }
0 341 elsif ($ref) { }
361 0 241 unless ref $x
362 7 234 unless $x->{'sign'} =~ /^[+-]$/
364 141 93 if defined $x->{'_cache'}
386 13 58 if exists $self->{'_set'}{'_scale'}
405 3 2 if (not ref $_[0] and $_[0] eq 'Math::String')
417 1 2 if (not ref $_[0] and $_[0] eq 'Math::String')
437 2 0 if (defined $x->{'_cache'}) { }
447 0 0 if $l < $x->minlen or $l > $x->maxlen
456 122 0 ref $_[0] ? :
464 89 33 if (defined $str)
477 79 0 ref $_[0] ? :
485 76 3 if (defined $str)