Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 24 62.5

line true false branch
55 2 3 unless (exists $$args{'TYPE'})
58 2 0 $lo == int $lo && $hi == int $hi ? :
78 0 6 unless (defined $type and $type =~ /^[ID]/i)
79 0 0 caller() eq 'Math::Random::MT::Auto::Range' ? :
85 5 1 $type =~ /^I/i ? :
104 0 6 unless (&Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($lo) and &Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($hi))
113 5 1 if ($type_of{$$self} eq 'INTEGER') { }
121 0 6 if ($lo == $hi)
122 0 0 caller() eq 'Math::Random::MT::Auto::Range' ? :
128 0 6 if ($lo > $hi)
135 5 1 if ($type_of{$$self} eq 'INTEGER') { }
157 1018 30 if ($type_of{$$self} eq 'INTEGER') { }