Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 46 41.3

line true false branch
12 0 1 unless (defined $Math::BigInt::VERSION)
21 0 9 unless ref $a eq 'Math::BigInt'
22 0 9 unless ref $b eq 'Math::BigInt'
23 0 9 unless ref $n eq 'Math::BigInt'
24 0 9 unless ref $x eq 'Math::BigInt'
25 0 9 unless ref $y eq 'Math::BigInt'
27 0 9 unless $n >= 2
48 0 0 if ($P1x == $P2x)
50 0 0 if $t == 0
54 0 0 if $deltax eq 'NaN'
70 0 0 if $m eq 'NaN'
82 9 138 if ($P1x == $x)
84 9 0 if ($t == 0)
91 0 138 if ($deltax eq 'NaN')
105 0 331 if ($m eq 'NaN')
123 18 0 if (ref $k eq 'Math::BigInt' and $k < '18446744073709551615')
124 18 0 if ($] >= 5.008 or !1) { }
0 0 elsif ($] < 5.008 and 1 and $k < 562949953421312) { }
136 165 331 if ($k % 2 != 0) { }
139 0 165 if ($x->is_zero and $y->is_one) { }
18 147 elsif ($Bx->is_zero and $By->is_one) { }
157 0 0 unless ref $other eq 'Math::Prime::Util::ECAffinePoint'
162 0 0 unless $self->{'a'} == $other->{'a'} and $self->{'b'} == $other->{'b'} and $self->{'n'} == $other->{'n'}