Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 66 66 100.0

line true false branch
59 1 13 if grep {not eval { do { $_ == int abs $_ } };} values %vars
90 108 11 if ($class) { }
125 2 26 unless ref $that and $that->isa('Math::Polynomial::Multivariate')
130 7 23 if (exists $$rterms{$key}) { }
131 1 6 if ($zero == ($$rterms{$key}[0] += $$term[0]))
144 3 11 unless ref $that and $that->isa('Math::Polynomial::Multivariate')
145 1 13 if $swap
150 7 9 if (exists $$rterms{$key}) { }
151 6 1 if ($zero == ($$rterms{$key}[0] -= $$term[0]))
165 4 36 unless ref $that and $that->isa('Math::Polynomial::Multivariate')
180 4 57 if (exists $$rterms{$key}) { }
196 2 6 if $swap or $exp != int abs $exp
197 1 5 unless $exp
207 4 10 unless ref $that and $that->isa('Math::Polynomial::Multivariate')
210 4 10 if keys %{$aterms;} != keys %{$bterms;}
212 6 4 if not exists $$bterms{$key} or $$term[0] != $$bterms{$key}[0]
242 1 25 $zero == $value ? :
259 1 12 $zero == $const ? :
266 1 7 if 1 == @exps
272 6 7 if (--$exp == $nexp)
284 3 6 unless $exp
285 2 4 $cast ? :
321 27 41 if ($aexp == $exp)
334 5 3 exists $$terms{$key} ? :
340 2 3 unless keys %{$terms;}
347 4 5 if ($max_degree < $degree)
360 5 1 if (($result{$name} || 0) < $exp)
373 2 3 if (my(@miss) = grep({not exists $$values{$_};} @vars))
374 1 1 1 == @miss ? :
387 1 39 unless wantarray
388 9 30 unless keys %{$terms;}
407 24 17 1 == $exp ? :
409 19 38 keys %{$vars;} && $one == $const ? :