Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 22 34 64.7

line true false branch
79 1 1 if $F
124 0 32 if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'Math::Polyhedra')
130 0 32 if @_
131 31 1 if $Coords
204 0 1 if ($_[0] and 'CODE' eq ref $_[0])
211 0 0 unless $_
215 0 0 if $@
847 2 6 $sides =~ s/rhomb// || 0 > $sides ? :
848 0 8 unless $set
849 6 2 if $$set{$sides}
850 2 7 if $sides =~ /$_/
869 8 0 if 'ARRAY' eq ref $hedron
895 8 0 if 'ARRAY' eq ref $hedron
917 8 0 if 'ARRAY' eq ref $hedron
925 4 4 if (ref $e[0] and ref $e[0][0])
975 8 0 if 'ARRAY' eq ref $hedron
982 4 4 if (ref $e[0] and ref $e[0][0])