Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 39 108 36.1

line true false branch
34 351 24 if (ref $self and defined $self->{'n_start'}) { }
62 1 1 $self->x_negative ? :
66 2 4 $self->y_negative ? :
74 2 0 if (defined(my $x_minimum = $self->x_minimum) and defined(my $y_minimum = $self->y_minimum))
88 0 0 if (defined $x_minimum and $x_minimum >= 0 and defined $y_minimum and $y_minimum >= 0)
118 0 0 if (defined(my $y_minimum = $self->y_minimum) and defined(my $x_max = $self->x_maximum)) { }
131 0 0 if (defined($m = $self->diffxy_minimum) and $m >= 0)
134 0 0 if (defined($m = $self->diffxy_maximum) and $m <= 0)
142 0 0 if (defined(my $min = $self->diffxy_minimum) and defined(my $max = $self->diffxy_maximum))
161 0 0 (defined $x_maximum && $x_maximum) < 0 ? :
0 0 (defined $x_minimum && $x_minimum) > 0 ? :
164 0 0 (defined $y_maximum && $y_maximum) < 0 ? :
0 0 (defined $y_minimum && $y_minimum) > 0 ? :
178 1 0 $self->xy_is_visited(0, 0) ? :
229 0 0 if (defined(my $dx_minimum = $self->dx_minimum))
230 0 0 if ($dx_minimum >= 0)
236 0 0 if (defined(my $dx_minimum = $self->dx_minimum) and defined(my $dx_maximum = $self->dx_maximum))
246 0 0 if (defined(my $dy_minimum = $self->dy_minimum))
247 0 0 if ($dy_minimum >= 0)
253 0 0 if (defined(my $dy_minimum = $self->dy_minimum) and defined(my $dy_maximum = $self->dy_maximum)) { }
286 5028 4376 if (defined(my $n = (shift())->xy_to_n(@_)))
301 0 0 unless my($x, $y) = $self->n_to_xy($n)
308 3 5003 unless my($x, $y) = $self->n_to_xy($n)
310 0 5003 unless my($next_x, $next_y) = $self->n_to_xy($n + $self->arms_count)
318 0 31 unless my($x, $y) = $self->n_to_xy($n)
324 0 0 defined $rsquared ? :
329 0 8 unless my(@n1) = $self->xy_to_n_list($x1, $y1)
330 0 8 unless my(@n2) = $self->xy_to_n_list($x2, $y2)
344 3125 3133 unless my(@n1) = $self->xy_to_n_list($x1, $y1)
345 1251 1882 unless my(@n2) = $self->xy_to_n_list($x2, $y2)
350 1888 0 if (abs $n1 - $n2 == $arms)
371 6 7 unless my($dx, $dy) = $self->n_to_dxdy($n - $self->arms_count)
372 0 7 unless my($next_dx, $next_dy) = $self->n_to_dxdy($n)
392 0 0 if ($n >= $self->n_start) { }
422 117 0 if ($depth >= 0 and defined(my $n = $self->tree_depth_to_n($depth + 1))) { }
432 0 0 if (defined(my $n = $self->tree_depth_to_n($depth)) and defined(my $n_end = $self->tree_depth_to_n_end($depth)))
441 0 0 if (defined(my $n = $self->tree_depth_to_n($depth)) and defined(my $n_end = $self->tree_depth_to_n_end($depth)))
460 0 0 if (defined $self->tree_n_parent($n) or not $self->tree_n_num_children($n))
475 0 0 if ($num_roots == 0)
479 0 0 unless ($n >= $n_start)
482 0 0 if ($num_roots == 1)
488 0 0 unless (defined $n_parent)
491 0 0 unless ($n_parent < $n)
535 51900 127686 if ($_[$i] > $_[$max])
544 25517 135735 if ($_[$i] < $_[$min])
555 16 167455 if (ref $x)
556 5 11 if ($x->isa('Math::BigFloat') or $x->isa('Math::BigRat'))
570 0 0 if $x1 > $x2
571 0 0 if $y1 > $y2
572 0 0 if ($x2 < 0 or $y2 < 0)
581 1008 84733 if (ref $n and $n->isa('Math::BigInt'))
583 1008 0 if (not ref $d or $d < 1000000)
599 1 145431 if (ref $_[0] and $_[0]->isa('Math::BigInt')) { }
601 1 0 if (not ref $d or $d < 1000000)