Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 25 54 46.3

line true false branch
37 0 16 if $n != $n2
40 120 0 if $wrepr->[$_] == $wrepr2->[$_]
42 16 0 $check == $n ? :
69 0 64 unless (&all(sub { defined $check{$_}; } , 1 .. $n))
93 0 0 unless (&all(sub { defined $check1{$_}; } , 1 .. $n) and $n == scalar @codomain and &all(sub { defined $check2{$_}; } , 1 .. $n))
103 0 0 if ($check)
125 0 2 if ($_ != int $_ or $_ <= 0)
131 0 2 if (scalar &uniq(@{$_;}) != scalar @{$_;})
136 0 2 unless ($check)
143 2 0 if ($check)
144 2 0 if (scalar &uniq(@elements) == scalar @elements) { }
159 0 0 $qp[$_] == 0 ? :
175 15 11 if (scalar @{$c;} > 1) { }
11 0 elsif (scalar @{$c;} == 1) { }
183 13 82 $hash{$_} == 0 ? :
192 0 2 &any(sub { $n == $_; } , @elements) ? :
213 0 0 if scalar @cycles == 0
236 0 30 if scalar @q != $n
260 0 8 if $ind == scalar @w
276 0 8 if $ind == scalar @w
297 0 0 if $i != $n - 1
383 0 0 if $w[$j] > $w[$j + 1]
396 7 1 $num_of_two_swaps % 2 == 0 ? :
400 7 1 $_[0]->is_even ? :
404 0 0 $_[0]->is_even ? :
415 72 72 if $w[$j] > $k
439 0 184 if $_[0]{'_wrepr'}[$_ - 1] == $_