Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 146 208 70.1

line true false branch
200 69 0 unless @_ > 1 and $_[0] =~ /^\[/
202 0 0 if grep {not /^\s*\[.*\]\s*$/;} @_
210 0 0 unless @_ > 1 and $_[0] =~ /^\[/
212 0 0 if grep {not /^\s*\[.*\]\s*$/;} @_
220 0 0 unless @$subarr > $ind
237 12 1 if defined $power
243 2 13 if $initial =~ /Skip this/
245 2 11 if (($what eq 'if') ne defined $else) { }
9 2 elsif ($what eq 'if') { }
256 0 0 unless $ENV{'AUTOMATED_TESTING'}
272 0 92 unless eval "use vars '\$${sym}'; 1"
277 128 0 if ($use_dollars_in_argsign)
279 30 98 if ($pre =~ /^(v?vector|fordiv|sumdiv|plothexport)\(/) { }
280 0 30 unless $pre =~ /^\w+\s*\([^,]*,\s*([\$\w]+)\s*,/
283 0 98 unless $pre =~ /^\w+\s*\(\s*([\$\w]+)\s*,/
295 120 6 unless $r =~ /\bMod\(/
307 41 867 if $noans eq "print"
339 12 896 if ($in =~ /^\\p\s*(\d+)/) { }
1 895 elsif ($in =~ /^\\pb\s*(\d+)/) { }
1 894 elsif ($in =~ /^\\ps\s*(\d+)/) { }
1 893 elsif ($in =~ /\\/) { }
0 893 elsif ($in =~ /^(\w+)\s*\([^()]*\)\s*=/ and 0) { }
13 880 elsif ($in =~ /!(?![\(\w])|\'/) { }
401 0 880 if ($in =~ /\[[^\]]*;/) { }
2 878 elsif ($in =~ /Skip this `(.*)'/) { }
0 878 elsif ($in =~ /&for\s*\([^\)]*$/) { }
0 878 elsif ($in =~ /(^|[\(=,])%/) { }
19 859 elsif ($in =~ /\b(get(heap|stack)|Total time spent.*gettime)\b/) { }
37 822 elsif ($in =~ / ( \b ( if | goto | label | input | break # | while | until | gettime | default ) \b | (\w+) \s* \( \s* (?: (?!\d)\w+ \s* (?:, \s* (?!\d)\w+ \s* )* )? \) \s* =(?!=) | \b install \s* \( \s* (\w+) \s* , [^()]* \) | \b ( my _ )? (?: p? print $or_matrix ) \( ( \[ | (1 ,)? PARImat ) | # Too many parens: will not be wrapped in sub{...} \b forprime .* \){5} ) /x) { }
30 792 elsif ($userfun and $in =~ / \b ($userfun) \s* \( /x) { }
0 792 elsif ($installed and $in =~ / \b ($installed) \s* \( /x) { }
14 778 elsif ($in =~ /\b(nonesuch now|nfisincl$or_matrix)\b/) { }
4 774 elsif ($in =~ /\$?\b($skipvars_rx)\b/) { }
0 774 elsif ($in =~ /$skip_fun_rx/) { }
439 25 12 if (defined $3)
442 0 37 if (defined $4)
443 0 0 if (defined $installed) { }
450 4 33 if ($1 eq 'default' and $in =~ /^default\s*\(\s*echo\s*,\s*0\s*\)\s*(;\s*)?$/) { }
451 4 0 if ($rest =~ s/\A.*?^default\s*\(\s*echo\s*,\s*0\s*\)\s*(;\s*)?$//ms) { }
452 4 0 if ($rest =~ s/\A(.*?)^default\s*\(\s*echo\s*,\s*(?!0\b)\S[^\n]*\)\s*(;\s*)?$//ms) { }
454 3 1 if ($cmd =~ /(?:^|;)\s*(?:print|error)\(/ or $userfun and $cmd =~ / \b ($userfun) \s* \( /x) { }
456 3 0 if ($cmd =~ /^\s*(\w+)\s*\($matched_par\)\s*=(?!=)/)
458 2 1 if (defined $userfun) { }
468 0 1 unless eval { do { &parse_as_gp($cmd, sub ($) { "main::" . (CORE::shift()); } , "echo"); 1 } }
471 0 1 if (defined $Err) { }
515 839 41 unless $in =~ /\b(my_)?print\b/
516 0 880 if ($in =~ /~/)
520 3 877 if ($in =~ /->/)
524 109 771 if ($RET)
529 26 854 if ($RET and $in =~ /(?:^|;)\$?(\w+)\([^()]*\)=(?!=)/)
531 4 22 if ($in =~ /\b(print|error|$ourvars_rx)\b/)
535 0 4 if ($1 eq 'print') { }
540 2 2 if (defined $userfun) { }
552 105 771 if $RET
553 1 770 if ($in =~ /^\s*alias\s*\(\s*(\w+)\s*,\s*(\w+)\s*\)$/)
559 36 734 if (not $in =~ /\w\(/) { }
86 648 elsif ($in =~ /\b(elllseries|binomial|mathilbert|intnum|intfuncinit|intfuncinit)\b|\bint\w/) { }
571 73 13 if $in =~ /\bint\w/
584 749 21 unless ($in =~ /\b(hermite|mathnf|until)\s*\(/)
590 1 769 if ($skip_eval and $in =~ /\beval\(/g)
596 0 769 if $seen_now{'oo'} or &Math::Pari::pari_version_exp() < 2009000
599 2 767 if $in =~ /\bdireuler\b/
601 16 753 if ($in =~ /\.((?!\d|(?<=\d\.)e-?\d)\w+(?![\w"]))/)
604 1 752 if ($in =~ /(?
614 34 195 unless $seen{$2} and $seen{$2} eq " " or $in =~ /\"/
735 2 716 if ($in =~ s/([,\(]\s*)&(\$(\w+)\s*)(?=[,\)])/$1$2/)
744 134 584 $noans ? :
752 57 661 if ($newvars)
762 604 114 if defined $res and ref $res
764 14 704 if ($doprint) { }
765 0 14 if ($in =~ /my_texprint/) { }
770 1 13 if ($have_floats)
785 69 635 if ($have_floats || $in =~ /^(sinh?|solve)\b/ and ref $res) { }
788 69 0 if (defined $rres and not $rres =~ /\n/)
794 22 47 if ($rout =~ /\[.*[-+,;]\s/ or $rout =~ /\bQfb\b/)
796 22 0 if defined $res
797 22 0 if defined $res
799 22 0 if defined $res
801 14 55 if ($in =~ /\b(zeta|bin|comprealraw|frac|lseriesell|powrealraw|pollegendre|legendre|suminf|ellinit)\b/) { }
809 69 0 if defined $res
827 19 699 if ($@)
828 0 19 if ($@ =~ /^Undefined subroutine &main::(\w+)/ and $not_yet_defined{$1}) { }
0 19 elsif ($@ =~ /high resolution graphics disabled/ and 0 >= &Math::Pari::have_graphics()) { }
19 0 elsif ($@ =~ /pari_daemon without waitpid & setsid is not yet implemented/) { }
0 0 elsif ($@ =~ /gnuplot-like plotting environment not loaded yet/ and $skip_gnuplot) { }
845 561 138 if (defined $rres and defined $re_out)
848 49 561 if $how
850 0 610 if ($@ and $@ =~ /regexp too big/)
856 515 95 if $cmp
860 0 699 if (not $noans and defined $re_out and not defined $rres && $cmp) { }
515 184 elsif (not $noans and defined $re_out) { }
0 184 elsif (not $noans and !defined($rres) || &filter_res($rres) ne &filter_res($rout)) { }
0 184 elsif ($doprint and $printout ne $rout) { }
893 0 0 if ($@) { }
903 0 0 if $in =~ /^\\p\s*(\d+)$/
923 103 126 ref $_ ? :
925 65 59 if $nl
931 0 0 ref $_ ? :
933 0 0 if $nl
939 0 0 ref $_ ? :
941 0 0 if $nl
948 12 0 unless $_[1]
954 1 0 unless $_[1]
965 0 2 unless eval { do { &plothsizes() } }