Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 36 63 57.1

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
1359 438 2 /^\\($supported_cmd_rx)\s*(.*)$/ and $_ = [$supported_cmd{$1}, $2, $_]

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
1193 1 1 5 $hex and $1 eq "b"
1230 238 3 0 not $tag =~ /^-?\d+$/ and exists $Math::Pari::sections{$tag}
1232 0 0 238 defined $tag and $tag =~ /^-?\d+$/
1257 12851 0 255854 $_ ne ':DEFAULT' && !$export_ok{$_}++ && (eval { do { &loadPari($_), 1 } } || warn($@), !$@)
1347 0 0 16 $quote && ($quote eq 'define' || ref $quote) && $quote
1348 2 16 0 $def and not ref $def
1349 2 16 0 $quote && !$def
1370 6 416 0 $echo && ref $IN
1371 422 0 0 $c && !($IN =~ /;$/)
1373 6 0 416 $def and not ref $IN
6 412 4 $def and not ref $IN and $IN =~ /^(\w+)\((??{ $matched_par; })\)=(?!=)/
1375 2 14 2 $echo && ref $in
1376 16 0 0 $c && !($in =~ /;$/)
1378 2 2 14 $def and not ref $in
4 11 3 $def and not ref $in and $in =~ /^(\w+)\((??{ $matched_par; })\)=(?!=)/

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
1173 0 0 $sec2{shift()} || 202
1174 255 0 $sec2{shift()} || 202

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
1325 1 0 0 eval { do { &allocatemem($mem); 1 } } or $@ =~ /^PARI:\s\sat\s+\S*\s+line\s+\d+\.?\s*$/
1363 0 0 18 $quote or not @in
1371 0 0 0 &is_gnil(&PARI_with_default_mem($IN)) || (print("%$c = $v\n"), ++$c)
1376 0 0 0 &is_gnil($v = &PARI_with_default_mem($in)) || (print("%$c = $v\n"), ++$c)