Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 60 60 100.0

line true false branch
50 11 418 if 0.5 != $probe / 2 - ($probe ^ 1) / 2
69 35 289 ref $arg ? :
78 17 8 if ($this->is_defined and $that->is_defined)
86 122 5 if (_is_integer($modulus))
87 11 111 if $modulus > 94906265
88 79 32 if $modulus > 3
89 7 25 if $modulus == 3
90 10 15 if $modulus == 2
91 6 9 if $modulus == 1
98 1 113 unless do { local $@; $loaded{$class} ||= eval "require $class" }
108 9 111 if (not ref $that && $that->isa('Math::ModInt')) { }
13 98 elsif ($this->modulus != $that->modulus) { }
119 6 86 if (not ref $that && $that->isa('Math::ModInt')) { }
4 82 elsif ($this->modulus != $that->modulus) { }
125 3 85 $reversed ? :
130 6 125 if (not ref $that && $that->isa('Math::ModInt')) { }
4 121 elsif ($this->modulus != $that->modulus) { }
141 6 87 if (not ref $that && $that->isa('Math::ModInt')) { }
4 83 elsif ($this->modulus != $that->modulus) { }
147 3 86 $reversed ? :
153 13 186 if ($reversed or not _is_integer($exp))
162 17 658 unless (ref $that and $that->isa('Math::ModInt'))
173 8 12 unless (ref $that and $that->isa('Math::ModInt'))
186 1 2 if (ref $this) { }
223 236 19 if ref $this
229 3 1 if ref $this
245 16 1 if 'Math::ModInt' eq (caller)[0]
254 13 11 $n <= $r ? :
262 7 13 $n < $r ? :
287 21 1 $this->is_defined ? :