Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 34 36 94.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
71 3 4 281 $arg == int $arg && abs $arg <= 18446744073709551615
80 4 4 17 $this->is_defined and $that->is_defined
110 7 2 111 ref $that && $that->isa('Math::ModInt')
121 4 2 86 ref $that && $that->isa('Math::ModInt')
132 4 2 125 ref $that && $that->isa('Math::ModInt')
143 4 2 87 ref $that && $that->isa('Math::ModInt')
164 14 660 0 ref $that and $that->isa('Math::ModInt')
168 1 1 656 $this->residue == $that->residue && $this->modulus == $that->modulus
175 3 18 0 ref $that and $that->isa('Math::ModInt')

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
102 95 18 1 $loaded{$class} ||= eval "require $class"
155 2 11 186 $reversed or not _is_integer($exp)
179 4 1 7 $this->residue != $that->residue || $this->modulus != $that->modulus