Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 23 26 88.4

line true false branch
148 569 514 if (@args > 0)
149 26 543 if ($j_eff < 0) { }
23 520 elsif ($j_eff > $j_eff_max) { }
160 25 519 if (not $args[1] and $self->symmetric and $i != $j)
165 246 837 if ($j_eff < 0 or $j_eff > $j_eff_max) { }
206 25 24 $j_eff < 0 || $j_eff > $j_eff_max ? :
229 61 37 $j_eff < 0 || $j_eff > $j_eff_max ? :
308 0 3 if $B->N != $N
330 110 168 if $j_B < 0 or $j_B > $#$row_B
410 4 0 defined $result->[0] ? :
420 0 4 unless defined $L
434 17 11 if ($b_start > 0) { }
3 8 elsif ($y_i != 0) { }