Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 25 36 69.4

line true false branch
18 4 0 unless (defined $args{'x'} or defined $args{'y'} or defined $args{'infinity'})
22 4 644 if $args{'infinity'}
25 0 648 if $args{'curve'} and not ref $args{'curve'}
36 2 37 if substr($hex, 0, 2) eq '00'
37 0 37 unless substr($hex, 0, 2) eq '04'
40 0 37 if $len & 4
57 2 30 if $self->infinity
63 3 27 if $length & 1
110 36879 21987 if ($k->copy->band($mask))
141 0 36889 unless $self->curve
143 0 36889 if ($self->infinity and $other->infinity) { }
0 36889 elsif ($other->infinity) { }
304 36585 elsif ($self->infinity) { }
36585 0 elsif ($self->{'x'}->bcmp($other->{'x'})) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->{'y'}->is_zero or $other->{'y'}->is_zero or $self->{'y'}->bcmp($other->{'y'})) { }
177 305 58563 if $self->infinity
180 0 58563 unless defined $self->{'curve'}
232 17 190600 if defined $curve