Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 19 57 33.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
90 9 0 82 not defined $currency and $class->isa('Math::Currency')
104 80 2 0 $parent and defined $parent->{'format'}
210 34 4 2 defined $key and $key eq ''
231 0 60 18 defined $key and not exists $Math::Currency::FORMAT->{$key}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
73 111 1 shift() || 0
317 0 14 shift() || \$FORMAT
360 0 0 $localeconv->{'int_curr_symbol'} || ''
0 0 $localeconv->{'currency_symbol'} || ''
0 0 $localeconv->{'mon_decimal_point'} || ''
0 0 $localeconv->{'mon_thousands_sep'} || ''
0 0 exists $localeconv->{'mon_grouping'} && defined $localeconv->{'mon_grouping'} && (ord $localeconv->{'mon_grouping'} < 47 ? ord $localeconv->{'mon_grouping'} : $localeconv->{'mon_grouping'}) || 0
0 0 $localeconv->{'positive_sign'} || ''
0 0 $localeconv->{'negative_sign'} || '-'
0 0 $localeconv->{'int_frac_digits'} || 0
0 0 $localeconv->{'frac_digits'} || 0
0 0 $localeconv->{'p_cs_precedes'} || 0
0 0 $localeconv->{'p_sep_by_space'} || 0
0 0 $localeconv->{'n_cs_precedes'} || 0
0 0 $localeconv->{'n_sep_by_space'} || 0
0 0 $localeconv->{'p_sign_posn'} || 1
0 0 $localeconv->{'n_sign_posn'} || 0
404 0 81 $localeconv->{'int_curr_symbol'} || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
70 3 109 0 ref $proto || $proto
220 4 29 2 defined $value or ref $key eq 'HASH'
404 0 0 81 $LOCALE eq $currency or ($localeconv->{'int_curr_symbol'} || '') =~ /$currency/