Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 31 50 62.0

line true false branch
48 3 45 if defined $prev and $prev / $score > 8
49 3 42 if defined $first and $first / $score > 25
51 12 30 unless defined $first
53 4 38 if @juicy == 5
70 0 12 if (@rangeable == 0)
95 4 22 if (keys %$power > 1)
111 0 14 if $$options{'verbose'}
113 0 14 if @r == 0
128 0 22 if (keys %$power == 0)
153 0 282 if $add_variant
156 0 282 if $$options{'verbose'}
162 0 22 if @choices == 0
178 2 0 if ($power > 0)
189 0 4 if ($power < 0)
197 4 0 if ($botstr eq '') { }
0 0 elsif ($botstr =~ /\s/) { }
212 0 50 if (keys %$units == 0)
215 0 0 if ($mag < 1 and $mag >= 0.01)
216 0 0 if ($$options{'abbreviate'}) { }
228 51 13 if ($power > 0) { }
236 49 1 if (@top == 1) { }
248 13 37 if (@bottom > 0)
256 0 13 if (@bottom > 1) { }
277 282 0 if $score < $uscore
289 1 281 @$top ? :