Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 34 36 94.4

line true false branch
85 0 55 unless ref $x
89 0 55 if $x->is_nan
95 1 54 if ($y->sign eq "-")
100 42 13 if ($y < 1000)
121 8 24 if ($num == 1 and $index == 1) { }
130 19 13 if ($index > 0)
145 5 8 if (@num > 1 and 0 < $num[-1] and $num[-1] < 100)
158 5 14 if $index == 0 or $number->is_zero
159 8 6 if $index == 1
163 1 5 if (($index & 1) == 1)
166 3 3 unless $number->is_one
178 8 58 if $number->is_zero and not $only
181 29 29 if $number <= $#$SMALL
193 17 12 if ($num[0])
195 8 9 $num[0] == 1 ? :
203 18 11 if ($num[1])
207 4 14 if ($num[1] <= $#$SMALL) { }
211 13 1 if ($ones > 0)