Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 26 44 59.0

line true false branch
52 2 10 unless @_
53 4 6 if (ref $_[0]) { }
54 0 6 unless exists $digsets{$setn}
55 0 10 unless @{$digsets{$d2bs};}
59 1 10 if $t =~ s/^-//
60 0 69 unless exists $bs2d{$_}
65 0 12 if $s > @{$digsets{$d2bs};}
66 1 11 if $n =~ s/^-//
68 12 0 if (length $t) { }
78 0 9 unless defined $numb and length $numb
80 0 9 if $numb =~ /^-?0+$/
81 4 5 unless (defined $tbas)
82 0 4 if (not defined $fbas) { }
83 0 0 if ($numb =~ /^0x/i or $numb =~ /[A-F]/i and $numb =~ /^[0-9A-F]+$/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($numb =~ /[G-Z._]/i and $numb =~ /^[0-9A-Z._]+$/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($numb =~ /\D/) { }
88 0 9 if $fbas =~ /\D/
0 9 if $tbas =~ /\D/
89 0 9 if ($fbas == 16)
90 0 9 if $fbas < 2 or $tbas < 2
91 5 4 if $numb =~ /\D/ or $fbas != 10
92 4 5 if $tbas != 10