Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 36 47.2

line true false branch
53 0 0 unless ($self->client_id and $self->client_secret)
86 0 22 m[^/?oauth/] ? :
109 0 22 if ($self->can('access_token') and $self->access_token)
116 0 22 if ($log->is_trace)
127 0 22 unless $method eq 'GET'
131 0 22 $method eq 'PATCH' ? :
140 0 22 unless $response->is_success
145 22 0 if ($response->decoded_content ne '{}')
146 22 0 if (not $url =~ /(?:apps|oauth)/ and $self->coerce_entities)
149 17 5 ref $payload eq 'ARRAY' ? :
153 17 5 if (ref $payload eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 5 elsif (ref $payload eq 'HASH') { }
154 0 17 if &any(sub { defined $_->{'error'}; } , @{$payload;})
157 0 0 if defined $payload->{'error'}
178 0 0 if $key eq 'file'
181 0 0 if ref $val eq 'ARRAY'
191 22 0 unless ref $url eq 'URI'
196 3 2 if (ref $val eq 'ARRAY') { }