Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 48 0.0

line true false branch
114 0 0 $self->_is_valid_host($host) ? :
122 0 0 $self->_is_valid_port($port) ? :
141 0 0 $self->sudo ? :
148 0 0 unless $binary and $binary =~ /masscan$/imux
153 0 0 if ($scan->{'success'}) { }
162 0 0 $scan->{'success'} ? :
172 0 0 unless $sres
205 0 0 $? >> 8 == 0 ? :
225 0 0 unless open my $fh, '<', $path
265 0 0 if ($self->_is_valid_host($host))
267 0 0 if (is_domain($host)) { }
295 0 0 if (is_ipv4($test) or is_ipv6($test) or is_domain($test))
315 0 0 if ($port =~ /^\d+$/mux or $port =~ /^\d+-\d+$/mux)
342 0 0 $self->_is_valid_host($_) ? :
0 0 if (/hosts/u)
343 0 0 $self->_is_valid_port($_) ? :
0 0 if (/ports/u)
344 0 0 if (/args/u)
403 0 0 if ($answer->can('address'))
461 0 0 $^O =~ /Win/u ? :
465 0 0 unless opendir my $dh, $dir
473 0 0 unless $file =~ /^$binary(?:.exe)?$/u
475 0 0 unless -r $path and -x _ || -l _
489 0 0 $self->verbose ? :