Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 50 62 80.6

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
121 625 110 $self->_match_unnamed_block and $lm = 'unnamed_block'
122 592 24 $self->_match_named_block and $lm = 'named_block'
123 590 0 $self->_match_unknown_block and $lm = 'unknown_block'
124 567 22 $self->_match_apply_filter and $lm = 'apply_filter'
125 383 178 $self->_match_substitution and $lm = 'substitution'
126 350 32 $self->_match_component_call and $lm = 'component_call'
127 304 45 $self->_match_perl_line and $lm = 'perl_line'
128 302 0 $self->_match_bad_close_tag and $lm = 'bad_close_tag'
129 0 302 $self->_match_plain_text and $lm = 'plain_text'

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
265 3 0 7 defined $rest and length $rest
353 8 0 8 defined $flag and defined $value
8 0 8 defined $flag and defined $value and length $flag
0 0 8 defined $flag and defined $value and length $flag and length $value
500 700 39 3 $$self{'current_method'}{'type'} eq 'apply_filter' and $$self{'source'} =~ m[\G (?: (?: <% [ \t]* \} [ \t]* %> ) | (?: </%> ) ) (\n?\n?)]cgx
520 114 31 2 $named and not defined $name
523 31 113 1 not $named and defined $name
570 0 236 0 defined $1 && length $1
582 3 42 1 length $line and not $line =~ /^\s/
586 3 1 0 $line =~ /\{\s*$/ and $$self{'source'} =~ /\G(?!%%)/cgm

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
708 2 209 $$self{'blocks'}{'attributes'} || ''
712 48 163 $$self{'blocks'}{'class'} || ''
806 10 230 $$method{'modifier'} || ''
807 2 238 $$method{'arglist'} || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
251 2 4 10 $line =~ /^\#/ or not $line =~ /\S/
792 10 642 0 $line_number ||= $$self{'line_number'}