Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 20 20 100.0

line true false branch
21 2 26 @args ? :
35 17 11 if ($exports{'attr'} and not *{"${from}::attr";}{"CODE"})
38 15 13 if ($exports{'base'} and not *{"${from}::base";}{"CODE"})
41 17 11 unless (*{"${from}::false";}{"CODE"})
44 15 13 if ($exports{'from'} and not *{"${from}::from";}{"CODE"})
47 15 13 if ($exports{'mixin'} and not *{"${from}::mixin";}{"CODE"})
50 15 13 if ($exports{'role'} and not *{"${from}::role";}{"CODE"})
53 15 13 if ($exports{'test'} and not *{"${from}::test";}{"CODE"})
56 17 11 unless (*{"${from}::true";}{"CODE"})
59 15 13 if ($exports{'with'} and not *{"${from}::with";}{"CODE"})