Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 85 130 65.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
119 0 129 35 defined $closure and defined ${$closure;}
251 0 2 2 scalar @_ == 1 and ref $_[0]
331 2 4 0 $eval_given && !$eval_value && !$fatal_error
511 342 738 80 not defined $package_source and defined $per_parse_arg
1080 0 80 not defined $package_source and defined $per_parse_arg and my $arg_blessing = &Scalar::Util::blessed($per_parse_arg)
584 28474 2355 53 not defined $rule_resolution and $default_empty_action
30829 40 13 not defined $rule_resolution and $default_empty_action and $grammar_c->rule_length($rule_id) == 0
715 7976 0 22538 "[" eq substr($semantics, 0, 1) and "]" eq substr($semantics, -1, 1)
1026 29088 920 506 $is_sequence_rule && $rule->[2]
1033 66332 54 4531 defined $closure and ref $closure eq "CODE"
1072 4034 0 497 defined $nulling_symbol_id and defined $rule_id
1106 28711 3861 36542 defined $lexeme_id and $semantics eq "::value"
1472 118 2658 0 $max_parses and $parse_count > $max_parses
2135 0 9 40 defined $this_choice and $this_choice == $choice_ix
2242 2 0 0 $virtual_rhs and not $virtual_lhs
2258 0 2 0 $virtual_lhs and $virtual_rhs
2272 0 0 2 not $virtual_rhs and $virtual_lhs

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
438 90 1090 $parse_set_arg // -1
477 1 0 $resolve_error // "Failed to resolve action"
504 0 1160 $recce->[16] // 0
519 422 738 $package_source //= "semantics_package"
548 0 0 $resolve_error // "Failed to resolve action"
560 0 0 $resolve_error // "Failed to resolve action"
572 0 0 $resolve_error // "Failed to resolve action"
689 0 1111 $recce->[16] // 0
1362 0 3906 $recce->[16] // 0
1364 4 3902 $recce->[22] // 0
1379 2776 1130 $recce->[5] //= "tree"
1566 48 3727 $per_parse_arg // {}
1659 0 0 $_ // "undef"
1828 0 1 $verbose //= 0
1922 0 2 $verbose //= 0
2102 36 4 $tree->_marpa_t_nook_parent($nook_id) // "-"
2217 49 0 $recce->[22] // 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
63 1733 22664 4420 substr($closure_name, 0, 2) eq "::" or substr($closure_name, 0, 1) eq "["
145 0 129 0 $trace_actions or defined $p_error
326 6 0 0 $long_where //= $where
526 27 4 206 $grammar->[5] // $grammar->[15]
591 28487 2395 0 $rule_resolution //= $default_action_resolution
857 0 0 1 $first_closure_name ne $other_closure_name or $first_semantics ne $other_semantics
0 0 1 $first_closure_name ne $other_closure_name or $first_semantics ne $other_semantics or $first_blessing ne $other_blessing
1264 27243 4102 0 $result_descriptor eq "values" or $result_descriptor eq "value"
1554 0 0 7 not $eval_ok or @warnings
1566 5 3775 0 $semantics_arg0 //= $per_parse_arg // {}
1703 0 0 1324 not $eval_ok or @warnings
1753 8 2 17631 not $eval_ok or @warnings
2008 58 29 31 $Marpa::R2::Internal::Value::a->[0] <=> $Marpa::R2::Internal::Value::b->[0] or $Marpa::R2::Internal::Value::a->[1] <=> $Marpa::R2::Internal::Value::b->[1]
87 28 3 $Marpa::R2::Internal::Value::a->[0] <=> $Marpa::R2::Internal::Value::b->[0] or $Marpa::R2::Internal::Value::a->[1] <=> $Marpa::R2::Internal::Value::b->[1] or $Marpa::R2::Internal::Value::a->[2] <=> $Marpa::R2::Internal::Value::b->[2]
2240 0 2 18 $virtual_rhs or $virtual_lhs