Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 72 109 66.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
319 2 4 0 $eval_given && !$eval_value && !$fatal_error
547 0 8 0 $value and $phase >= 2
561 1 8 0 $value and $phase >= 2
571 0 0 0 $value and $phase >= 2
599 0 0 0 $value and $phase >= 2
692 20 60 1 $distinguished and not $lhs_terminals_ok
726 1 0 75 $$grammar[11] and ref(my $ok = $$grammar[26]) eq 'HASH'
750 1 0 75 $$grammar[11] and ref(my $ok = $$grammar[27]) eq 'HASH'
1409 979 430 0 $action and $nulling
1509 0 800 0 defined $grammar and defined $options
1603 6 12 9 !$keep_separation && defined $separator_name
1676 12 6 9 defined $separator and not $proper_separation
2057 606 148 1 $nullable and $counted
2158 2 16 531 $start_symbol_id != $derived_symbol_id and not $unit_derivation[$derived_symbol_id][$start_symbol_id]
2170 9 7 2 defined $$rule[12] && $$rule[7]
2207 6 0 12 $warn_on_infinite and defined $warning_rule
2929 97 42 22 $nullable and not defined $proper_nullable_1_ix
2950 101 9 29 $next_subproduction_lhs and $last_nullable_subproduction_ix > $last_nonnullable_ix - $subproduction_start_ix
3019 279 31 94 $next_subproduction_lhs and $$factor_rhs[-1] == $next_subproduction_lhs

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
426 0 0 "ref to $ref_type" || 'non-reference'
580 0 0 $value //= {}
607 0 0 $value //= {}
1208 0 145 $verbose //= 1
1539 784 16 $rhs_names //= []
2414 165733 0 $reset //= 0
2707 111 29 $$nullable_symbol[6] //= 0
2831 699 35 &List::Util::first(sub { not $aliased_rhs[$_][6]; } , reverse(0 .. $#aliased_rhs)) // -1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
314 6 0 0 $long_where //= $where
425 0 0 115 not $ref_type or $ref_type ne 'HASH'
969 0 0 0 $$rule[14] // $rule
1070 58 21 102 $$rule[6] or $$rule[7]
1468 0 0 201 $arg_count > 4 or $arg_count < 1
1543 0 0 800 not $rhs_ref_type or $rhs_ref_type ne 'ARRAY'
1579 97 675 27 scalar @{$rhs_names;} == 0 or not defined $min
1828 379 136 235 $$symbol[7] || $$symbol[6]
2204 9 9 0 $$rule[14] // $rule
2801 5 122 699 $$_[6] || $$_[2]
2821 205 0 1441 $$_[2] // $_
2946 73 44 22 $proper_nullable_1_subproduction_ix // $proper_nullable_0_subproduction_ix