Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 40 0.0

line true false branch
25 0 0 unless $#_ % 2
30 0 0 exists $$self{'config'}{$_} ? :
43 0 0 unless open my $fh, '<', $filename
145 0 0 if (length $1 < 25) { }
163 0 0 if ($lines[$LP - 1] =~ /\|$/) { }
164 0 0 $th_or_td eq 'd' ? :
167 0 0 $th_or_td eq 'd' ? :
189 0 0 if $$self{'config'}{'IncLang'} eq 'none'
194 0 0 if (defined $lines[$SLP] and $lines[$SLP] eq "\n" || $lines[$SLP] =~ m[|\%ENDCODE\%])
195 0 0 $$self{'config'}{'IncLang'} eq 'plain' ? :
198 0 0 $$self{'config'}{'IncLang'} eq 'plain' ? :
212 0 0 if (/^((?:$numbers+(?:\.)(?:$numbers+(?:\.| ))*)|(?:$numbers+\s))/)
216 0 0 $listDepth > 0 ? :
218 0 0 if (/^$numbers/) { }
246 0 0 if defined $converted
249 0 0 defined $converted ? :
257 0 0 if (defined $_ and m[^(http\://){0}(?[^/].+?)(\.([a-z]+)(|\#.*))$])
267 0 0 defined $_ ? :
303 0 0 unless open my $fh, '>', "$dir/$newfile"
304 0 0 unless print $fh $text