Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 111 172 64.5

line true false branch
95 427 1 if (ref $token eq 'HASH') { }
96 110 317 if ($token->{'children'} and @{$token->{'children'};} >= 1)
101 1 0 $token->can('data') && $token->data ? :
0 1 $token->can('href') && $token->href ? :
0 1 $token->can('title') && $token->title ? :
0 1 $token->can('size') && $token->size ? :
0 1 $token->can('text') && $token->text ? :
0 1 $token->can('language') && $token->language ? :
1 0 $token->can('content') && $token->content ? :
0 1 $token->can('children') && $token->children ? :
122 1 0 if ($self->tree->[0] and $self->tree->[0]{'class'} eq 'Markdown::Compiler::Parser::Node::Metadata')
134 1 78 if ($token->type eq 'Header') { }
58 20 elsif (grep {$token->type eq $_;} 'EscapedChar', 'Image', 'Link', 'Word', 'Char', 'Bold', 'Italic', 'BoldItalic', 'InlineCode') { }
1 19 elsif ($token->type eq 'HR') { }
3 16 elsif ($token->type eq 'TableStart') { }
1 15 elsif ($token->type eq 'BlockQuote') { }
2 13 elsif ($token->type eq 'CodeBlock') { }
4 9 elsif ($token->type eq 'Item') { }
9 0 elsif (grep {$token->type eq $_;} 'LineBreak') { }
162 1 0 if ($token->start == 0)
245 8 305 if ($token->type eq 'LineBreak')
246 6 2 if (exists $tokens->[0] and $tokens->[0]->type eq 'LineBreak')
256 0 305 if (grep {$token->type eq $_;} 'TableStart', 'CodeBlock', 'BlockQuote', 'List', 'HR', 'Header')
263 277 28 if (grep {$token->type eq $_;} 'EscapedChar', 'Space', 'Word', 'Char')
272 9 19 if (grep {$token->type eq $_;} 'Link')
283 4 15 if ($token->type eq 'Image')
294 2 13 if ($token->type eq 'InlineCode')
299 2 3 if $todo_token->type eq 'InlineCode'
302 0 3 if ($todo_token->type eq 'LineBreak')
326 0 13 if ($token->type eq 'BoldItalic')
331 0 0 if $todo_token->type eq 'BoldItalic'
334 0 0 if ($todo_token->type eq 'LineBreak')
352 6 7 if ($token->type eq 'Bold')
357 6 10 if $todo_token->type eq 'Bold'
360 0 10 if ($todo_token->type eq 'LineBreak')
378 7 0 if ($token->type eq 'Italic') { }
383 7 13 if $todo_token->type eq 'Italic'
386 0 13 if ($todo_token->type eq 'LineBreak')
419 0 3 if $token->type eq 'LineBreak'
424 3 3 if $todo_token->type eq 'Char' and $todo_token->content eq '|'
425 0 3 if $todo_token->type eq 'LineBreak'
447 0 3 if $token->type eq 'LineBreak'
452 3 3 if $todo_token->type eq 'Char' and $todo_token->content eq '|'
453 0 3 if $todo_token->type eq 'LineBreak'
479 7 13 if ($token->type eq 'LineBreak')
480 0 7 unless @$tokens
481 3 4 if $tokens->[0]->type eq 'LineBreak'
484 6 11 if ($token->type eq 'TableStart')
489 0 24 if $todo_token->type eq 'TableStart'
492 6 18 if ($todo_token->type eq 'LineBreak')
501 3 3 if ($is_first_row) { }
559 2 5 if ($token->type eq 'LineBreak')
560 1 1 unless @$tokens
561 0 1 if $tokens->[0]->type eq 'LineBreak'
564 1 5 if $token->type eq 'BlockQuote'
585 2 6 if ($token->type eq 'CodeBlock')
627 12 13 if ($token->type eq 'LineBreak')
632 1 12 if ($token->type eq 'Link')
662 0 4 if ($token->type eq 'LineBreak') { }
4 0 elsif ($lvl == 0 and $token->type eq 'Item') { }
0 0 elsif ($token->type eq 'Item') { }
0 0 elsif ($token->type eq 'Space') { }
690 0 0 if ($token->length == $lvl) { }
0 0 elsif ($token->length < $lvl or $token->type eq 'Item') { }
0 0 elsif ($token->length > $lvl) { }
692 0 0 if ($token->type eq 'Word')
694 0 0 if $tokens->[0]{'type'} eq 'Space'
715 0 0 if ($token->content =~ /^\d+\.\s+$/) { }
752 0 11 if ($token->type eq 'LineBreak') { }
8 3 elsif ($lvl == 0 and $token->type eq 'Item') { }
1 2 elsif ($token->type eq 'Item') { }
2 0 elsif ($token->type eq 'Space') { }
780 1 1 if ($token->length == $lvl) { }
0 1 elsif ($token->length < $lvl or $token->type eq 'Item') { }
1 0 elsif ($token->length > $lvl) { }
782 1 0 if ($token->type eq 'Char')
783 1 0 if $tokens->[0]->type eq 'Space'
804 0 1 if ($token->content =~ /^\d+\.\s+$/) { }
843 0 4 if ($token->type eq 'LineBreak')
844 0 0 if (exists $tokens->[0] and $tokens->[0]->type eq 'LineBreak')
855 0 4 if (grep {$token->type eq $_;} 'Char', 'Word', 'TableStart', 'CodeBlock', 'BlockQuote', 'List', 'HR', 'Header')
860 4 0 if ($token->type eq 'Item')
861 1 3 if ($token->content =~ /^\d+\.\s+$/) { }
917 1 5 if ($token->type eq 'HR')
921 5 0 if (grep {$token->type eq $_;} 'EscapedChar', 'Space', 'Word', 'Char', 'LineBreak')
971 0 0 if $token->children