Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 22 86.3

line true false branch
98 181 362 if exists $args->{$key}
113 181 362 if exists $args->{$key}
128 131 50 unless $dialects
134 47 unless @{[] unless $dialects;}
134 0 96 if $dialect eq 'Standard'
142 0 1 unless $_ =~ /Can't locate/
145 1 95 unless $found
150 0 1 if $specified_class and $specified_class->can('meta') and $specified_class->meta->does_role($role)
157 1 93 unless @roles
179 4 92 if ($dialect =~ /::/) { }
227 4 171 unless substr(${$text;}, -1, 1) eq "\n"