Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 73 92 79.3

line true false branch
140 0 2253 if ($self->debug and pos ${$text;})
146 903 1350 if (${$text;} =~ / \G \p{Space}* \z /cgx)
151 0 1350 if (defined $last_pos and $last_pos == $current_pos)
168 728 11007 if $self->$meth($text)
181 1260 90 unless $self->_list_level
193 90 1260 if $self->_list_level
206 1239 14 unless ${$text;} =~ / \G
218 0 14 unless defined $html
220 0 14 if $self->debug
236 1320 3 unless ${$text;} =~ / \G
247 0 3 if $self->debug
277 1277 43 unless ${$text;} =~ / \G
285 0 43 if $self->debug
313 1258 19 unless ${$text;} =~ / \G
318 13 6 substr($3, 0, 1) eq '=' ? :
320 0 19 if $self->debug
363 1233 6 unless ${$text;} =~ / \G
368 0 6 if $self->debug
382 1237 21 unless ${$text;} =~ / \G
413 0 21 if $self->debug
456 3 54 if ($in_regex and not $line =~ /$regex/) { }
5 98 elsif ($line =~ /$regex/ and not $in_regex) { }
465 8 49 if ($new_chunk)
466 8 0 if @chunk
474 21 0 if @chunk
497 1095 142 unless ${$text;} =~ / \G
510 0 142 if $self->debug
541 98 1964 if ($self->_list_level) { }
565 1056 39 unless ${$text;} =~ / \G
590 7 32 $bullet =~ /\d/ ? :
592 0 39 if $self->debug
622 36 77 if ($line =~ /^$Bullet/ and @chunk)
632 39 0 if @chunk
648 20 55 $type eq 'OrderedList' ? :
659 0 75 if $self->debug
665 39 36 if ($item eq $items[-1]) { }
6 30 elsif ($item =~ /^$Markdent::Parser::BlockParser::EmptyLine\z/m) { }
666 5 34 if (@items > 1 and $items[-2] =~ /^$Markdent::Parser::BlockParser::EmptyLine\z/m) { }
669 0 5 if $self->debug
680 0 6 if $self->debug
706 10 68 unless ${$text;} =~ / \G
728 0 68 if $self->debug
733 6 62 if $self->_list_item_is_paragraph
738 6 62 if $self->_list_item_is_paragraph
751 620 347 unless ${$text;} =~ / \G
773 0 347 if $self->debug