Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 38 42 90.4

line true false branch
20 6 0 unless (defined $filter_cb)
24 7 4 if $file =~ /\.c(c|pp|xx|\+\+)?$/
25 3 1 if $file =~ /\.h(h|pp|xx|\+\+)?$/
38 10 1 if (defined $filter)
60 8 125 if ($line =~ /^\s*
33 92 elsif (defined $filter) { }
61 1 7 if (defined $filter)
69 6 1 if (defined $line_with_eol and $line_with_eol =~ /^\s*Name="(.*)"\r?\n$/) { }
72 1 5 if (not exists $files_by_filter{$filter}) { }
83 11 22 if ($line =~ /^\s*
5 17 elsif ($line =~ qr"^\s*$") { }
87 10 1 if (defined $line_with_eol and $line_with_eol =~ /^\s*RelativePath="(.*)"(>?)\r?\n$/) { }
100 9 1 unless ($file =~ /\.rc$/)
101 3 6 unless (exists $seen{$file})
110 1 2 unless ($angle_bracket_on_same_line)
111 0 1 unless (readline($in) =~ /^\s*>\r?\n$/)
119 3 0 if qr"^\s*\r?\n$"
126 1 5 if ($seen{$file}) { }
141 2 3 $angle_bracket_on_same_line ? :
149 4 5 unless ($seen)
154 4 0 unless $file =~ /\\/