Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 66 74 89.1

line true false branch
50 87 1 $_[0] =~ /(\.\S+)$/ ? :
66 93 20 if (defined $line) { }
75 68 45 if (defined $var)
76 45 23 if ($line =~ /^(?\s*)(?[^ ]+)(?\s*\\?)$/)
77 22 23 if (defined $indent) { }
80 1 21 if $+{'indent'} ne $indent
88 19 26 unless defined $tail
96 44 1 if (defined(my $file_ext = _get_ext($file)))
97 21 23 if (defined $make_ext) { }
98 0 21 if ($file_ext ne $make_ext)
110 16 32 if ($file_ext ne $src_ext)
112 7 9 if (exists $files{$file_try})
119 14 30 unless (exists $files{$file})
128 30 1 if (exists $files{$file})
129 1 29 if ($files{$file}) { }
138 3 28 if (@values and lc $line lt $values[-1])
148 1 22 if ($last_tail =~ /\\$/ and $line =~ /\S/)
158 23 0 if (defined $make_ext)
159 19 0 if ($make_ext eq '' or keys %src_exts == 1 and exists $src_exts{$make_ext})
167 29 14 if $seen
174 12 2 unless ($new_files)
177 4 8 if (@values and not $values[-1] =~ /\\$/)
183 3 11 if (defined $make_ext)
191 12 11 if ($new_files)
195 12 0 if ($sorted)
214 24 44 if ($line =~ /^\s*(?\S+)\s*(?::?=|:)(?[^=]*)$/)
221 6 18 if (exists $vars->{$makevar}) { }
226 18 9 exists $$vars{$_[0]} ? :
228 1 17 if ($makevar =~ /^objects$/i or $makevar =~ /^obj$/i) { }
16 1 elsif ($makevar =~ /^(\w+)_(objects|obj|sources|src)$/i) { }
1 0 elsif ($makevar =~ /^(\w+)\$\(\w+\)/) { }
241 3 0 if (not defined $var and $2 eq 'SOURCES' and $1 =~ /^(\w+)_l?a$/)
243 1 2 if (not defined $var and $1 =~ /^lib(\w+)$/)
254 24 0 if (defined $var)
255 1 23 if (not $tail =~ /\s*\\$/) { }
265 43 0 if (defined(my $src_ext = _get_ext($file)))
286 20 48 if $eof