Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 44 68 64.7

line true false branch
31 0 0 if ref $darwin
38 2 1 if ref $dns
45 0 0 if ref $freebsd
52 0 0 if ref $logs
59 0 0 if ref $mysql
66 5 2 if ref $qmail
73 1 2 if ref $setup
80 10 2 if ref $toaster
87 31 9 if ref $util
93 41 1 if 1 == scalar @_
98 9 205 if $_[1]
99 209 5 if $conf
109 366 2 if ($mess)
111 2 364 if $verbose or $p{'verbose'}
125 0 10 if (0 == scalar @audit)
126 0 0 if $p{'verbose'}
130 1 9 if ($last_audit == scalar @audit)
131 1 0 if $p{'verbose'}
135 7 2 if ($p{'quiet'})
151 0 28 unless my $message = shift()
159 28 0 if ($message) { }
163 26 0 if (not $location and scalar @call)
172 1 27 if $self->verbose
173 3 25 if $p{'fatal'}
175 3 25 if $p{'fatal'}
182 2 4 if ($last_error == scalar @errors)
183 0 2 if $verbose
191 2 5 if $i < $last_error
193 5 0 $_->{'errloc'} ? :
208 396 177 if (defined $p{$_})
212 0 177 if ($self->{$_})
223 0 0 unless my $mess = shift()
225 0 0 unless (my $logfile = $Mail::Toaster::Base::conf->{'toaster_watcher_log'})
229 0 0 if -e $logfile and not -w $logfile