line |
!l |
l&&!r |
l&&r |
condition |
0 |
0 |
0 |
$name and $name =~ /\.(?:ade|adp|asx|bas|bat|chm|cmd|com|cpl|crt|dll|exe|hlp|hta|inf|ins|isp|js|jse|lnk|mda|mdb|mde|mdt|mdw|mdz|msc|msi|msp|mst|nws|ops|pcd|pif|prf|reg|scf|scr\??|sct|shb|shs|shm|swf|url|vb|vbe|vbs|vbx|vxd|wsc|wsf|wsh)$/
0 |
0 |
0 |
$cte =~ /base64/ and defined $p->raw->[0]
0 |
0 |
0 |
$cte =~ /base64/ and defined $p->raw->[0] and $p->raw->[0] =~ /^TV[opqr].A..[AB].[AQgw][A-H].A/
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0 |
$name and $ctype ne "application/octet-stream"
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$name =~ /^(?:txt|[px]?html?|xml)$/ and not $ctype =~ m[^(?:text/(?:plain|[px]?html?|english|sgml|xml|enriched|richtext)|message/external-body)]
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0 |
0 |
$name =~ /^(?:jpe?g|tiff?|gif|png)$/ and not $ctype =~ m[^(?:image/|application/mac-binhex)]
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0 |
$name eq "vcf" and $ctype ne "text/vcard"
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0 |
0 |
$name =~ /^(?:bat|com|exe|pif|scr|swf|vbs)$/ and not $ctype =~ m[^application/]
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0 |
0 |
$name eq "doc" and not $ctype =~ m[^application/.*word$]
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0 |
0 |
$name eq "ppt" and not $ctype =~ m[^application/.*(?:powerpoint|ppt)$]
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0 |
0 |
$name eq "xls" and not $ctype =~ m[^application/.*excel$]
line |
l |
!l&&r |
!l&&!r |
condition |
0 |
61 |
0 |
ref $class || $class
0 |
0 |
0 |
$name =~ /^(?:txt|[px]?html?|xml)$/ and not $ctype =~ m[^(?:text/(?:plain|[px]?html?|english|sgml|xml|enriched|richtext)|message/external-body)] or $name =~ /^(?:jpe?g|tiff?|gif|png)$/ and not $ctype =~ m[^(?:image/|application/mac-binhex)]
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0 |
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$name =~ /^(?:txt|[px]?html?|xml)$/ and not $ctype =~ m[^(?:text/(?:plain|[px]?html?|english|sgml|xml|enriched|richtext)|message/external-body)] or $name =~ /^(?:jpe?g|tiff?|gif|png)$/ and not $ctype =~ m[^(?:image/|application/mac-binhex)] or $name eq "vcf" and $ctype ne "text/vcard"
0 |
0 |
0 |
$name =~ /^(?:txt|[px]?html?|xml)$/ and not $ctype =~ m[^(?:text/(?:plain|[px]?html?|english|sgml|xml|enriched|richtext)|message/external-body)] or $name =~ /^(?:jpe?g|tiff?|gif|png)$/ and not $ctype =~ m[^(?:image/|application/mac-binhex)] or $name eq "vcf" and $ctype ne "text/vcard" or $name =~ /^(?:bat|com|exe|pif|scr|swf|vbs)$/ and not $ctype =~ m[^application/]
0 |
0 |
0 |
$name =~ /^(?:txt|[px]?html?|xml)$/ and not $ctype =~ m[^(?:text/(?:plain|[px]?html?|english|sgml|xml|enriched|richtext)|message/external-body)] or $name =~ /^(?:jpe?g|tiff?|gif|png)$/ and not $ctype =~ m[^(?:image/|application/mac-binhex)] or $name eq "vcf" and $ctype ne "text/vcard" or $name =~ /^(?:bat|com|exe|pif|scr|swf|vbs)$/ and not $ctype =~ m[^application/] or $name eq "doc" and not $ctype =~ m[^application/.*word$]
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0 |
0 |
$name =~ /^(?:txt|[px]?html?|xml)$/ and not $ctype =~ m[^(?:text/(?:plain|[px]?html?|english|sgml|xml|enriched|richtext)|message/external-body)] or $name =~ /^(?:jpe?g|tiff?|gif|png)$/ and not $ctype =~ m[^(?:image/|application/mac-binhex)] or $name eq "vcf" and $ctype ne "text/vcard" or $name =~ /^(?:bat|com|exe|pif|scr|swf|vbs)$/ and not $ctype =~ m[^application/] or $name eq "doc" and not $ctype =~ m[^application/.*word$] or $name eq "ppt" and not $ctype =~ m[^application/.*(?:powerpoint|ppt)$]
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0 |
0 |
$name =~ /^(?:txt|[px]?html?|xml)$/ and not $ctype =~ m[^(?:text/(?:plain|[px]?html?|english|sgml|xml|enriched|richtext)|message/external-body)] or $name =~ /^(?:jpe?g|tiff?|gif|png)$/ and not $ctype =~ m[^(?:image/|application/mac-binhex)] or $name eq "vcf" and $ctype ne "text/vcard" or $name =~ /^(?:bat|com|exe|pif|scr|swf|vbs)$/ and not $ctype =~ m[^application/] or $name eq "doc" and not $ctype =~ m[^application/.*word$] or $name eq "ppt" and not $ctype =~ m[^application/.*(?:powerpoint|ppt)$] or $name eq "xls" and not $ctype =~ m[^application/.*excel$]