Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 59 90 65.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
100 46 36 20 $did_user_specify_trust and $did_user_specify_internal
131 344 0 4 $str and $str =~ /($IP_ADDRESS)/
171 17 3 46 $in_trusted and not $found_msa
214 0 0 30 $in_internal and not $relay->{'auth'}
0 24 6 $in_internal and not $relay->{'auth'} and not $internal->contains_ip($relay->{'ip'})
369 212 1 1 /^from (\S+) by [^\s;]+ ?;/i and not $1 =~ /^\[[\d.]+\]$/
412 6 193 14 / by / and / with ((?:ES|L|UTF8S|UTF8L)MTPS?A|ASMTP|HTTP[SU]?)(?: |;|$)/i
199 0 0 / by mx\.google\.com with ESMTPS id [a-z0-9]{1,4}sm[0-9]{2,9}[a-z]{3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{4}\.(?:[0-6][0-9]\.){4}[0-6][0-9]/ and /\(version=([^ ]+) cipher=([^\)]+)\)/
186 3 6 /authenticated/ and /^from .*?(?:\](?: \([^)]*\))?\)|\)\]) .*?\(.*?authenticated.*?\).*? by/
185 0 3 / \(authenticated as / and /\) by .+ \(\d{1,2}\.\d\.\d{3}(?:\.\d{1,3})?\) \(authenticated as .+\) id /
175 9 0 /CommuniGate Pro (HTTP|SMTP|XIMSS|IMAP)/ and / \(account /
6 177 1 / by / and / \(via (HTTP.?)\)(?: |;|$)/i
474 201 2 0 /aol\.com/ and /with HTTP \(WebMailUI\)/
657 161 4 0 /\bwith HTTP\b/ and /^($IP_ADDRESS) \(\[$IP_ADDRESS\]\) by (\S+)/
823 79 0 0 / via HTTP$/ and /^\[($IP_ADDRESS)\] by (\S+) via HTTP$/
947 51 0 0 / with http for / and /^\[($IP_ADDRESS)\] by (\S+) with http for /
953 51 0 0 / via smap / and /^(\S+)\(($IP_ADDRESS)\) by (\S+) via smap /
968 51 0 0 / \(Post/ and /^\[($IP_ADDRESS)\] by (\S+) \(Post/
974 51 0 0 / \(ArGoSoft/ and /^\[($IP_ADDRESS)\] by (\S+) \(ArGoSoft/
987 50 0 0 / with BSMTP/ and /^\S+ by \S+ with BSMTP/
1018 37 2 4 / \(CommuniGate Pro/ and /^(\S+) \(\[($IP_ADDRESS)\] verified\) by (\S+) \(/
1274 1 0 1 not $helo and /^(\S+)[^-A-Za-z0-9\.]/
1322 0 0 2 not $ip and /\[($IP_ADDRESS)\]/
1329 0 0 2 $ip and $by

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
63 0 0 $msg->{'suppl_attrib'}{'originating'} || 0
235 3 63 $relay->{'msa'} ||= 0
1440 14 274 $relay->{'envfrom'} || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
101 36 2 44 $did_user_specify_trust || $did_user_specify_internal
172 36 1 9 $did_user_specify_trust or $did_user_specify_internal
201 0 30 7 $relay->{'auth'} || $trusted->contains_ip($relay->{'ip'})
1360 0 1 176 $rdns =~ /^unknown$/i or $rdns =~ /^\[/