Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 1 30 3.3

line true false branch
23 1 0 unless $feedback_fh = 'IO::Handle'->new_from_fd(4, 'w')
51 0 0 unless (&blessed($filter))
52 0 0 if @_ and 'HASH' eq ref $_[0]
53 0 0 if $filter =~ /^::/u
55 0 0 if length $@
70 0 0 unless state $message = 'MailX::Qmail::Queue::Message'->receive
77 0 0 if ref $reject_text and 'CODE' eq ref $reject_text
79 0 0 $self->defer_only ? :
89 0 0 if (exists $ENV{'RELAYCLIENT'} and $self->skip_if_relayclient)
94 0 0 if (my $skip_for_sender = $self->skip_for_sender)
95 0 0 if (match_address($skip_for_sender, my $sender = $self->message->from))
106 0 0 if (my $skip_for_from = $self->skip_for_from and my $from = $self->message->header_from)
109 0 0 if (match_address($skip_for_from, $from = $from->address))
115 0 0 if (my $skip_for_rcpt = $self->skip_for_rcpt)
117 0 0 unless match_address($skip_for_rcpt, $_)