Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 6 120 5.0

line true false branch
278 0 1 if %atts
307 0 3 unless defined $val
314 0 3 if ($debug)
318 3 0 unless wantarray
321 0 0 wantarray ? :
334 0 0 unless defined $val
335 0 0 if ($debug)
339 0 0 unless wantarray
342 0 0 wantarray ? :
398 0 0 if (-d "$target/tmp" and -d "$target/new") { }
406 0 0 unless (pm_gethdr('lines'))
413 0 0 unless (open $tmp, ">$tmp_path")
420 0 0 unless ($test)
421 0 0 unless (link $tmp_path, $new_path)
426 0 0 unless unlink $tmp_path
431 0 0 unless (open $fh, ">>$target")
435 0 0 unless flock $fh, 2
438 0 0 unless $test
439 0 0 unless flock $fh, 8
443 0 0 unless $atts{'continue'}
498 0 0 if $lockfile
501 0 0 unless $test and not $atts{'testalso'}
504 0 0 if open $pipe, '|' . $target and $m_obj->print($pipe)
511 0 0 if $ret < 0
512 0 0 defined $ret ? :
0 0 $! ? :
0 0 $@ ? :
0 0 unless defined $ret and $ret == 0
517 0 0 if $atts{'continue'}
561 0 0 if $lockfile
563 0 0 unless $atts{'testalso'}
565 0 0 defined $ret ? :
0 0 unless defined $ret and $ret == 0
598 0 0 unless $test
599 0 0 unless $atts{'continue'}
617 0 0 unless lc $logfile eq 'stderr'
693 0 0 if (dbmopen %msgid, $dbm, 432) { }
695 0 0 if (defined($tmp = $msgid{$msgid})) { }
696 0 0 if (($msgid{$msgid} = time) - $tmp < $atts{'retain'} * 24 * 60 * 60)
705 0 0 unless dbmclose %msgid
711 0 0 if $dup and not $atts{'continue'}
737 0 0 unless $lockmgr
755 0 0 if $_[0]
774 0 3 unless $logfile
775 3 0 if shift() > $loglevel
778 0 0 unless ($logfh)
780 0 0 if $debug
781 0 0 if (lc $logfile eq 'stderr') { }
0 0 elsif (lc $logfile eq 'stdout' or $logfile eq '-') { }
788 0 0 unless sysopen $logfh, $logfile, 1089
796 0 0 if $debug
801 0 0 if $] >= 5.006
858 0 0 $logfile ? :
872 0 0 if /^\d+\.\d+ Mail from/
875 0 0 unless /^\d+\.\d+ (\w+\[[^\]]+\]):\s+(.+)/
880 0 0 if ($t = ++$tally{$2}[0]) > $max1
881 0 0 if ($t = ++$tally{$2}[1]{$1}) > $max2
882 0 0 if ($t = length $1) > $max3
901 0 0 $first ? :
0 0 $first ? :