Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 56 89 62.9

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
395 8 4 4 $helo_host and exists $mapped_to->{'helo_map'}
4 2 2 $helo_host and exists $mapped_to->{'helo_map'} and exists $mapped_to->{'helo_map'}{$helo_host}
690 1637 0 0 $header eq "X-Authentication-Milter-Error" and $value eq "Generated Error Report"
1237 0 0 0 $config->{'dns_resolvers'} and @{$config->{'dns_resolvers'}}
1310 0 0 3 $rcode =~ /^[5]\d\d$/u && $xcode =~ /^[5]\.\d+\.\d+$/u
1329 0 0 9 $rcode =~ /^[4]\d\d$/u && $xcode =~ /^[4]\.\d+\.\d+$/u
1749 1294 258 5 $Type == 2 and defined $Email
260 1270 22 $Type == 1 and defined $Email
1771 912 33 0 $i + 1 < scalar @Tokens and $Types[$i + 1] == 2
1854 243 0 20 exists $config->{'authserv_id'} and $config->{'authserv_id'}
1877 558 14118 28783 $priority == 7 and not $config->{'debug'}
1938 541 13862 0 $priority eq "debug" and not $config->{'debug'}
2120 247 0 0 $config->{'extended_log'} and not $config->{'legacy_log'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
41 234 0 ${ref($self) . "::VERSION";} // "unknown"
230 48 0 $exception->{'Type'} || 'Unknown'
386 16 248 $ip_object->overlaps($map_obj) || 0
1234 0 0 $config->{'dns_timeout'} || 8
1235 0 0 $config->{'dns_timeout'} || 8
1236 0 0 $config->{'dns_retry'} || 2
1383 31184 33452 $top_handler->{'symbols'} || {}
1867 19133 24326 $self->get_symbol('i') || '--'
1904 14676 0 $key || ''
12179 2497 $value || ''
2025 75 192 $self->get_symbol('i') || '--'
2154 0 625 $config->{'auth_header_name'} // "Authentication-Results"
2165 0 139 $config->{'auth_header_name'} // "Authentication-Results"

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
387 12 0 252 $is_overlap == $Mail::Milter::Authentication::Handler::IP_A_IN_B_OVERLAP or $is_overlap == $Mail::Milter::Authentication::Handler::IP_B_IN_A_OVERLAP
12 0 252 $is_overlap == $Mail::Milter::Authentication::Handler::IP_A_IN_B_OVERLAP or $is_overlap == $Mail::Milter::Authentication::Handler::IP_B_IN_A_OVERLAP or $is_overlap == $Mail::Milter::Authentication::Handler::IP_PARTIAL_OVERLAP
0 4 248 $is_overlap == $Mail::Milter::Authentication::Handler::IP_A_IN_B_OVERLAP or $is_overlap == $Mail::Milter::Authentication::Handler::IP_B_IN_A_OVERLAP or $is_overlap == $Mail::Milter::Authentication::Handler::IP_PARTIAL_OVERLAP or $is_overlap == $Mail::Milter::Authentication::Handler::IP_IDENTICAL
1310 0 0 3 not $rcode =~ /^[5]\d\d$/u && $xcode =~ /^[5]\.\d+\.\d+$/u or substr($rcode, 0, 1) ne substr($xcode, 0, 1)
1329 0 0 9 not $rcode =~ /^[4]\d\d$/u && $xcode =~ /^[4]\.\d+\.\d+$/u or substr($rcode, 0, 1) ne substr($xcode, 0, 1)
1749 28 5 1552 $Type == 0 or $Type == 2 and defined $Email
5 22 1530 $Type == 0 or $Type == 2 and defined $Email or $Type == 1 and defined $Email
1928 587 630 0 $self->get_symbol('i') || 'NOQUEUE.' . substr(uc md5_hex("Authentication Milter Client $Mail::Milter::Authentication::Handler::PID " . time . rand(100)), -11)