Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 56 62 90.3

line true false branch
26 0 158 UNIVERSAL::isa($other, 'Mail::Message::Field') ? :
36 45 75 @_ % 2 == 1 ? :
46 67 53 $attr =~ /^(.*?)(?:\*\d+)?\*?\s*\=\s*/ ? :
47 0 120 unless $name =~ /^[!#-'*+\-.0-9A-Z^-~]+$/
51 6 114 defined $cont ? :
52 3 117 if defined $args->{'charset'}
53 1 119 if defined $args->{'language'}
55 45 75 defined $value ? :
56 67 53 if $attr ne $name
69 128 453 if (@_)
73 373 80 exists $self->{'MMFF_value'} ? :
82 6 75 if (substr($name, -1) eq "*" and $value =~ /^([^']*)\'([^']*)\'/)
83 4 2 length $1 ? :
84 2 4 length $2 ? :
87 8 73 if ($name =~ /\*([0-9]+)\*?$/) { }
104 54 9 if wantarray
105 0 9 unless @$cont
126 6 42 if ($charset or $lang) { }
0 42 elsif (grep /[^\x20-\x7E]/, $value) { }
141 6 42 if ($encoded) { }
42 0 elsif ($cont) { }
146 66 103 unless $c =~ /[a-zA-Z0-9]/
149 2 167 if ($cont and length($pre) + length($c) > 76) { }
161 42 1 unless length $value
171 46 2 if @lines == 1
181 1 85 unless (defined $cont)
188 12 73 if (substr($name, -1) eq '*') { }
1 72 elsif (s/^\"(.*)\"$/$1/) { }
2 70 elsif (s/^\'(.*)\'$/$1/) { }
199 5 75 if $charset
210 0 1 unless my $cont = $self->{'MMFF_cont'}