Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 76 156 48.7

line true false branch
95 149 2 ref $header ? :
97 149 2 ref $body ? :
101 151 0 unless ($$self{'ARGS'}{'uudecode'})
107 4 147 if (caller 1 ne 'Mail::MboxParser')
110 260 0 unless /.*\n$/
112 4 0 if $$self{'HEADER'}[-1] ne "\n"
163 6 0 unless exists $$self{'FROM'}
166 0 6 unless (exists $$self{'FROM'})
189 0 6 unless exists $$self{'TRACE'}
192 0 6 unless (exists $$self{'TRACE'})
222 0 22 if (defined $num and $num >= $self->num_entities)
234 18 4 if (defined $num)
236 6 12 if ($bound = $ent->head->get('content-type'))
243 4 0 if ($bound = $self->header->{'content-type'})
246 0 4 ref $$self{'TOP_ENTITY'} eq 'MIME::Entity' ? :
276 36 4 if ($part->effective_type eq 'text/plain')
298 0 0 ref $$self{'TOP_ENTITY'} eq 'MIME::Entity' ? :
334 4 0 ref $$self{'HEADER'} ? :
340 42 58 if ($bit =~ /^\s/) { }
4 54 elsif ($bit =~ /^$fieldname/i) { }
341 2 40 if ($inretfield)
349 0 4 if (defined $ret) { }
355 0 4 unless $ret
384 0 0 if $email
385 0 0 if ($name and not $email)
388 0 0 if $email =~ /^(.*?)\.(.*)@/
475 117 385 unless defined $$self{'NUM_ENT'}
504 0 445 if (defined $num and $num >= $self->num_entities)
509 97 348 if (ref $$self{'TOP_ENTITY'} ne 'MIME::Entity')
511 11 86 unless (defined $Parser)
522 0 445 if $@
523 117 328 wantarray ? :
551 0 0 if ($num < $self->num_entities and $self->get_entities($num)->bodyhandle) { }
590 0 0 unless ($num or not exists $args{'handle'} && ref $args{'handle'} ne 'GLOB')
600 0 0 if defined $b
711 0 0 if (defined $args{'code'} and ref $args{'code'} ne 'CODE')
719 0 0 if ($num < $self->num_entities) { }
721 0 0 unless defined $file
723 0 0 if (-e $path and not -d _)
728 0 0 unless (-e _)
729 0 0 unless (mkdir $path, 493)
735 0 0 if (defined $args{'code'})
743 0 0 if defined $args{'store_only'} and not $file =~ /$args{'store_only'}/
745 0 0 if ($args{'encode'} and 1)
750 0 0 if (open ATT, ">$path/$prefix$file") { }
794 0 0 if (defined $args{'code'} and ref $args{'code'} ne 'CODE')
803 0 0 if (not exists $args{'path'} or $args{'path'} eq '')
811 0 0 unless @files
869 20 124 if defined $file
872 13 87 if ($name)
873 1 12 if (not exists $mapping{$name}) { }
881 80 7 if (keys %mapping == 0)
893 124 20 unless ($file)
895 88 36 if (not $self->get_entities($num)->head->get('content-disposition')) { }
900 0 36 if ($type eq 'attachment')
901 0 0 if ($filename =~ /filename\*?=(.*?''?)?(.*)$/)
908 36 20 unless $file
910 0 20 if ($file =~ /=\?.*\?=/ and 1)
945 0 0 unless ($rec)
956 0 0 if $email
957 0 0 if ($name and not $email)
960 0 0 if $email =~ /^(.*?)\.(.*)@/
976 62 0 if ref $header
979 1096 1158 if ($bit =~ s/^\s+/ /) { }
986 414 744 if (/^Received:\s/) { }
54 690 elsif (/^From /) { }
991 682 8 $idx != -1 ? :
992 0 690 if ($decode eq 'ALL' or $decode eq 'HEADER')
998 0 690 if (exists $header{lc $key}) { }
1000 0 0 ref $elem ? :
1017 0 40 if ($call eq 'store_attachement')
1020 0 40 if ($call eq 'store_all_attachements')
1029 40 0 if ($class->can($call))
1032 40 0 if ($class eq 'MIME::Entity')
1034 4 36 unless (defined $Parser)
1041 20 20 if ref $$self{'TOP_ENTITY'} ne 'MIME::Entity'
1047 0 0 if ($class eq 'Mail::Internet')
1049 0 0 ref $$self{'HEADER'} ? :