Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 38 48 79.1

line true false branch
44 77 1000 if (exists $$matched{$rule_hash}) { }
45 72 5 if $$matched{$rule_hash}
52 0 1000 if (ref $rule eq 'HASH' and exists $$rule{'matcher'}) { }
57 602 398 if ($field eq 'body') { }
29 369 elsif (my $checker = 'Mail::Lite::Processor::Match'->can("match_$field")) { }
91 54 933 if (exists $$matched{$rule_hash}) { }
92 54 0 if $$matched{$rule_hash}
103 373 560 unless $result
132 0 1148 if (ref $rule eq 'HASH' and exists $$rule{'AND'} || exists $$rule{'OR'} || exists $$rule{'NOT'} and scalar keys %$rule > 1)
147 0 2540 if (ref $rule eq 'HASH' and exists $$rule{'AND'})
151 312 2228 if (ref $rule eq 'ARRAY')
155 175 509 unless (_recurse_conditions($handler, $r, $data))
164 30 2198 if (ref $rule eq 'HASH' and exists $$rule{'NOT'})
169 183 2015 if (ref $rule eq 'HASH' and exists $$rule{'OR'})
177 154 59 if (_recurse_conditions($handler, $r, $data))
188 0 2015 if ($ENV{'FAKE_THEM_ALL'})
200 0 0 unless (ref $$rule{'matcher'} eq 'CODE')
263 29 0 if _match_text($msg_to, $rule)
272 64 305 if $field eq 'subj'
276 123 246 exists $$message{$field} ? :
302 26 974 if defined $text and not defined $rule
304 0 974 unless $text
326 0 680 unless (ref $message)
332 307 373 if (_recurse_conditions(\&_match_message, $match_rules, $message))