Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 38 50.0

line true false branch
33 0 4 unless (-d $outputDir)
36 4 0 unless (defined($outputToCore = $opts{'output_to_core'}))
45 12 6 if (defined(my $msg = shift()))
47 18 0 if (not defined $smsg) { }
48 0 18 unless ($result)
63 2 1 if (defined(my $inputFile = shift()))
66 0 2 unless (open $fh, ">$inputFile" and print $fh $inputEntity->as_string and close $fh)
75 3 0 if (defined(my $outputFile = shift()))
78 0 3 unless (open $fh, ">$outputFile" and print $fh $outputEntity->as_string and close $fh)
93 1 0 if ($tmpdir)
95 1 0 unless (-d $tmpdir)
100 1 0 if ($$opts{'recipients'})
106 1 0 if (defined &Sys::Syslog::setlogsock and defined &Sys::Syslog::_PATH_LOG)
124 0 1 unless (open $fh, ">$inputFile" and print $fh $input and close $fh)
128 0 1 unless (open $fh, "<$inputFile")
133 1 0 if (defined $outputFile)
135 0 1 unless (open $fh, ">$outputFile" and print $fh $mailOutput and close $fh)
146 0 0 $^O =~ /win32/i ? :
148 0 0 if (-x "$dir/$prog")