Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 46 52.1

line true false branch
53 0 10 if (wantarray) { }
70 0 0 if ($property & 32768) { }
75 0 0 unless $type
80 0 0 if ($type == 13 or $type == 30 or $type == 31 or $type == 72 or $type == 258)
85 0 0 if ($type == 30 || $type == 31 and $unicode) { }
0 0 elsif ($type == 30 || $type == 31 and not $unicode) { }
106 0 0 if ($@)
133 93 0 if ($property =~ /^[0-9]/) { }
0 0 elsif ($namedProperties) { }
134 15 78 if ($property & 4294901760)
138 0 93 if (defined $type and $type == 30)
143 31 62 if ($property & 32768) { }
151 0 62 if (not $Mail::Exchange::PropertyContainer::PidTagDefs{$property} and $type)
178 0 78 if ($@)
188 27 51 if ($ptag & 32768)
191 0 78 if ($type & 4096)
194 0 78 if ($type == 2)
195 11 5 if ($type == 3 or $type == 4 or $type == 10 or $type == 11 or $type == 13 or $type == 30 or $type == 31 or $type == 72 or $type == 251 or $type == 253 or $type == 254 or $type == 258)
200 11 50 if ($type == 13 or $type == 30 or $type == 31 or $type == 72 or $type == 258)
206 28 226 if ($$file{'Name'} eq $streamname)
209 17 11 if ($type == 31)
215 0 28 unless $found
217 27 51 if ($ptag & 32768)