Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 11 20 55.0

line true false branch
43 1 7 if substr($string, 0, length $MAGIC_STRINGS{$type}) eq $MAGIC_STRINGS{$type}
54 17 8 if (&blessed($file) and $file->isa('Path::Class::File'))
71 2 7 if (&blessed($file) and $file->isa('Path::Class::File')) { }
7 0 elsif (&blessed($file) and $file->isa('IO::File')) { }
92 2 9 if ref $file eq 'SCALAR'
99 2 7 if (&blessed($file) and $file->isa('Path::Class::File')) { }
113 0 0 unless $compare
119 0 0 if (defined $filename_self and defined $filename_compare)
121 0 0 $filename_self eq $filename_compare ? :
127 0 0 $filecontent_self eq $filecontent_compare ? :